

I hooked up my wireless again for the first time in roughly 6 years. I have no idea how I lived without it.

That is all.



Forgot to upload this last weekend when I made them. These would be no-bake chocolate mousse pie. There's a thin layer of ganache at the bottom and a thick layer of mousse on the top. They were pretty awesome. I just thought I'd share.
teh awesome


WoW Drama

I learned today that the group of friends I left behind in WoW who subsequently guilded has broken up. Even though I've been gone for about 3.5 months, I'm still pretty shaken by it all. So suitably, I'm more than a little drunk right now but if/when I gather my thought sufficiently, I'll write up something more meaningful.

Edit: I've decided against making a follow up post. Maybe sometime in the unforseeable future.


Thousander Club

The Thousander Club is a challenge issued last year by some of the folks at the Low Poly Coop based on an article on GBGames. Original article here with 2007 followup here. The basics of the article was that you need roughly 10,000 hours over the course of 10 years to achieve basic mastery of a subject. Numbers aside, this doesn't seem unreasonable so long as those putting in the time are actually trying to learn, get better, don't get their brains smooshed by aliens or whatever. So the Thousander Club is a group of people trying to put 1K hours into their choice of things to practice while posting their progress in a public place.

I ran into this last year and was fascinated by it, but the ups and downs of stuff and the lateness in the year (Octoberish) meant that I wouldn't put up big numbers. I did manage to log 187 hours total from September 14th to December 31st, notably the first day of BEER development and the last day of GWA. So this year I've thrown my hat in the ring with these guys to see what I can do. I expect that this will be a hard year working two jobs and working through a year of crunch so, sadly, I already forecast a pretty major failure to hit 1000. Nonetheless, it'll be an adventure and I'm looking forward to it.


GWA2006 Release

I ended up not finishing the postmortem until very late and wanted to read it over when not falling asleep. Here are two links that you can use to download the game and/or the docs courtesy of filefront:

Download gwa_v100.zip from FileFront!
Download gwa_docs.zip from FileFront!

The first is just version 1.00 of the game (about 1MB). The second contains the original design doc, the annotated design doc, and the postmortem in MS Word .doc files.

Excerpts from the postmortem, "Lessons Learned":
- Reliable and expedient tools are a MUST.
- Keeping the deadline in mind when evaluating new systems is crucial.
- Being able to throw features out or rework them is key.
- Reinventing the wheel is a lost cause.

January will be off of doing a game; I need some time to finish up some housework and to fix some of the issues of my engine. I expect to try again in February.


Happy New Year

Welp, another year has come and gone. Here's hoping that y'all had an awesome holiday season this time 'round.

I know it's a tradition to list your New Year's Resolutions somewhere (like, say, your blog) but I'm not going to. Oh no. Given my past track record for sticking to them (exactly 0.000%), I'm not going to jinx it. Instead, I'll be keeping them private, thanks much, in order that I might actually accomplish some of it. Though, to be painfully honest, they're the same things I've been working toward for a while so it's not like you're missing any huge bold statements or anything.

For the few people that are wondering how last month's project went, I present the following screen shots:
I hate writing UIs.

If all goes well, I'll be following this post with a download link and more information. Contained within "more information" would be a postmortem of the project selections of which will be posted here. Also therein will be two versions of the design doc, one as designed, and one old version annotated with my notes.