
How Can So Much Love Fit In One Bowl?

Yes, I said this aloud to no one in particular not 15 minutes ago. The picture says it all. Yes, it's as unbelievable as you'd think.

Well, ok, not "it all", but most of it. The rest of "it all" is played by roughly 2 pounds of cheese, a 1 pound box of macaroni elbows cooked to be super-aldente, about a tablespoon of chipotle powder, and topped with about a cup of the no-longer-elusive panko. All told, roughly $9.

It's telling that despite having had about a half dozen things cooking in my head to put in this space, that this is the one that finally gets me posting.

Carry on.


Nats said...

Dude... that looks... awesome. Sounds good too. Always fun to try new things.

ktorrek said...

Oh, it tasted good too!

I may fry some of it tonight. Chipotle Tabasco 4tw!