
A brief fantasy interlude (2024 week 29)

My typical workflow generally involves picking up random prepped figs to finish off a blob of paint that I might otherwise waste. That sometimes means that several figs are mostly painted at various times which is an excellent excuse to not do what I should be doing in order to do something potentially more fun. Also true that I often do that on days that I can't or don't want to be painting but really want to get that dopamine hit of marking something as done. We cope with our demons in any way we can, right? 

This gal is Human Fighter from Vae Victis, one of my favorite sculptors and a sculpt I like a lot. I'd intended to do more with her but really didn't. She was printed on my old printer and I found the chunkier layer lines really hard to work with, especially the metallics. She was done in about four hours and don't be surprised to see her again sometime in the unforseeable future.

This is Female Minotaur from Bones 4 plus a weapons rack from Bones 5. I don't particularly like either sculpt with the added downside of probably never getting any screen time as minotaurs aren't part of my fantasy world. As I'm hoping to complete the figs in Bones 4 this year, that meant that she needed painting in the near term. She sat prepped on my painting table for most of the year and I don't think she came out well. The sculpt is pretty soft and I picked a not good color scheme. Ultimately she's painted and that's what counts.



These are (pretty clearly) not figs, not painted very well, and not particularly good pieces to begin with. If you were thinking "hey, those look like corks glued to bases!" then you'd be 100% correct. I always seem to run out of pillars and can't be bothered to print out or buy more so I made these extra low-rent ones because I have a bag of used corks that seemed like a good purchase at a time. I could have put a bunch of grit around their bases to hide that they aren't glued on straight. I also could have done more to hide that they're cork but I didn't do that either. What I did do is paint all six in about fifteen minutes which means that they're done and ready to get in the way the next time I need pillars on a battle map. Sadly, they're not figs and don't exist in my accounting so they don't move the finished mini counter. 

2024 finished mini counter: 157/208

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