
Happy Holidays

Tomorrow I'll be driving back to my parents' place in Kalamazoo Michigan. Yes, it's a real place. My holidays are typefied by eating far too much, seeking refuge from an overblaring TV, suffering my two hefty siblings for extended periods of time, and almost invariably getting sick from overexposure to allergens. Ah yes, the holidays.

Despite the fact that I've unilaterally failed to get anything done in the time I've spent at my parents' place, I'm bringing my laptop in order to get some serious work done on this month's game. Given that this month I've been overworked and sick as heck, I haven't gotten much of anything done. So if it's going to get done within the allotted amount of time, some serious work is going to need doing in the next week. Barring any unfortunate mishaps I'll be back home a couple days before New Year's so that the remainder of my sanity might, er, remain.

Here's wishing everyone out there a happy holidays.

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