
Security and Firewalls

For the last few weeks, someone has been trying to break into my firewall machine. The obvious clues that I've been left are that this guy is trying to log in unsuccessfully through SSH as "root", "spam", and "webadmin" which is more than a little concerning. So far as I know, they've been unsuccessful but I'm not enough of a hacker to be certain. My firewall machine is pretty good--it's an obscure operating system that's pretty secure on its lonesome and out of the box it will foil most attempts. Even then, it's low power, isn't connected to anything remotely interesting, and exists on a consumer line. Still, it bothers me that anyone would even attempt to break in for any reason, nefarious or otherwise.

I tightened things up a bit yesterday but I doubt that will deter them. I'll probably buy the latest version of that OS and get that all prettied up. It makes me glad that I had the presence of mind to use a real operating system for a firewall.

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