

It occurs to me that I've neglected a couple of things. The first is that I'm switching jobs and moving cross country (again). The second is that this is the reason I've not finished February's game or done another thousander club update. This isn't probably news for the majority of people who read here, but for everyone else: now ya know.

The majority of February was spent studying, interviewing, making plans, and generally being very nervous about the whole thing. This is not conducive to getting any real work done. March is so far going about the same as February minus the studying and interviewing parts but with the addition of furious cleaning and fixing of my house to make it more marketable.

Selling my house is going to be a pain; I imagine that it always is. Dealing with the pile of crap that my dad made me take now that he's in his "get your shit out of my house" phase is also going to be a pain. Normally, I'd agree with him since it's my junk, after all. This is fine as long as there's space to put said shit, but moving from a 3 bedroom w/basement and garage house to a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment is already unfun. So I'm going through stuff and seeing what I can toss and otherwise get rid of as much as I can stand.

I will very likely need both storage here in Wisconsin for the stuff my dad can't pick up but still wants (my parents are in their Arizona home at the moment) and in Maryland where I'm landing because I'm going to have roughly 1/3 the space I currently do. Yay. House selling issues asside, I'd rather not be paying rent as well on storage space.

Probably the biggest difference than the last time I moved is that I'm probably going to go with movers this time. I just don't want to drive a big honkin' truck through Pennsylvania again. I'm hoping like hell that this is going to be within my budget and that they don't destroy my otherwise already destroyed stuff. Maybe I should hope that they don't destroy it any more than it's already destroyed.


Jenny said...

Good for you! And about bloody time too! :-)

Roland said...

Agreed. About frickin time. I reccommend using Mayflower. They were great. Every other mover I've used sucked. Sounds like the move will be in the 5-6k range, so I hope your relocation budget is enough. Keep in mind that donations to Goodwill, et al can be tax deductible. Or if its really good drive the extra 60 miles and give it to me. I have plenty of room :)