

One of the (many) things I missed out on during my two year long stint in WoW is Half Life 2. Despite being told how uber-awesome it is, I never got it since at the time I didn't have enough machine to really play it. So beta for the Orange Box rolls around and my co-workers are playing TF2 and I hop on the bandwagon...just in time for them to lose interest (bastards). TF2 is plenty of fun on its own but it also gave me a chance to catch up on otherwise missed gaming (brilliant move by the Valve guys).

I wasn't prepared. Half Life 2 rocked my socks. There are definitely things about it that I didn't like but overall I thought it was an excellent game. Add to that the two free-to-me episodes 1 and 2 and it ended up being even more excellent. I missed the whole "better than sliced bread" launch so I had to judge it on its own merits and I still think it's by far the best single player game I've played in the better part of two years.

If you missed this one, aren't totally put off by jumping puzzles, and enjoy a good action FPS, I highly recommend it. Can't wait for Ep3.


martiank9 said...

The original halflife was awesome until the last level, where it became a giant jumping puzzle. HL and HL2 area also the only games ever to give me motion sickness.

I got nothing.

I hear Bioshock is also pretty awesome, so long as you can put up with their draconian copy protection.

ktorrek said...

I'm hearing mixed things about Bioshock from coworkers. I'll probalby pick it up when I get less busy. The copy protection BS is crap and Kaspersky (rightfully) warns about it whenever I install a 2K game.