
A thing a week 2020, week 7

Busy this week but managed to crank out a couple sketches.  I would have done more but a) I didn't want to force it, and b) a new version of Dwarf Fortress came out.  I also started building a tool to tag my mountainous concept art folder but there's nothing to show yet so it can't go here.

I would be a better artist if I focused on fewer things and did them consistently.  I know this; it's part of why I'm not a good artist.  I also know that the more I try to force it, the worse results I get, and the worse results I get the less likely I am to pick it up again later.  That means I do less of that thing and as a result I'm less good at it.

Life is about tradeoffs.  There may be a day that I regret this but I'm making the decision with eyes wide open.  Thus, to maintain the joy I take in my art and as a result do more of it and get better at it, I've learned to not force it.  Maybe that'll change in the unforseeable future but that's where I am right now.

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