
A thing a week 2021 (week 49)

This is a one week batch of 10 Celtic Warriors Command Sprue that I bought a long time ago. I might have painted them earlier but I am a dummy and didn't look closely enough at the sprue as they didn't come with heads. I stole some heads from my giant box of 44 Viking Hirdmen which we'll see some of next week. These are fiddly figs with really inconvenient poses and some of them had some premiumly ridiculous mold lines. My assembly didn't help any of this ad made their eyes really hard to paint. As an added difficulty, some of the sculpting on their musculature, particularly around their shoulders, was not as correct or distinct as I would have liked. 

I started them in the typical way: prime, shadowed from below, zenithaled from above. Given the amount of skin these doods are showing, I did a simple basecoat with the airbrush with a few other random colors as was convenient within the larger batch. After that it was layers and shades, and highlights and metallics and whatnots. I think they work even if they aren't particularly spectacular and because I'm a dummy I forgot to log how much time they took. I want to say around the 20 hour mark but that's just a guess. They're done, and that's good, and one fewer loose sprue kicking around the workshop.

2021 finished mini counter: 342/100

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