
A thing a week 2022, week 36: new campaign edition

This week we're back to minis. Truth be told, these were painted out of order since I want to play fully painted and this campaign started in May of this year and it's notably many months since then. These are the sacrifices we make to keep a schedule. 

This is Virgil, otherwise known as El Luchadore Magnifico, otherwise known as the flying magical death lizard. He's a pit fighter from the mean streets of Calacita. The fig is a 3d print from Artisan Guild, specifically Goldmaw Lizard E from this set. and I didn't realize the fig was female before I built the lineup for Ed to pick. Luckily he doesn't know and doesn't read this blog so I think the secret is safe. He chose the color scheme and I think shehe looks good with a minimum of effort mostly painted with the airbrush.
Next up we have Gervitz, a cantankerous religious weasel. The fig is a metal Otter Knight from Dark Sword Miniatures. This is a great fig painted only adequately and I think I primed him with the wrong stuff since the paint is already coming off in this shot. This is the first Dark Sword fig I've painted and I'm super glad I bought a bunch more. Watch this space!

This is Bev, a crazy dwarf soldier from an abandoned fortress named Stabbed Wheel, in actuality, one of my settlements from Dwarf Fortress. The figure is Baily Silverbell from Reaper Bones and we super thought from the pictures that she had two blades which would match the character. Turns out that she's got a crossbow in her off hand. Whoops. I still painted her as the PC right down to the busted up skellington pieces on the base by request, and she still gets screen time in game.

First of the NPCs is Lilya, a bear shaman hailing from the ravaged North. The ravaging part was due to the PCs' bumbling in a previous campaign and the fig is 3d print of Hunter Oathenshard from TigerSkullRPG. This a great sculpt despite me bodging a hammer head rather than the double-bit axe she normally comes with and cracking the base on the dismount from the build plate. I have another less broken one that'll get paint eventually and don't be surprised if I crank out a larger higher quality version someday.

Last up we have Anvil Thricedamned, Evil Warrior from Reaper Bones and I could not find a link from the reaper site. He's not a PC or NPC, but he needed paint and was prepped on my table and had picked up random colors over a few months. I don't recall which batch it was, but I needed to do something that wasn't that batch so this guy got paint. 

2022 finished mini counter: 165/100

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