First up we have Gon'Tarr Orc Shaman who I got from Bones 5. If I'm honest, I don't super like this sculpt and I especially don't like that he skips leg day. I note that his muscleature wasn't super well painted mostly because he's small and also because I'm lazy. His cloak was mostly contrast paint and drybrushing and while I'm lamenting my laziness, I've definitely painted better bones/horns than I did on his staff.
Next up we have Gara, the Half Orc from Bite the Bullet. Anyone even remotely aware of my work with even a couple brain cells to rub together should realize that I like painting gals way more than dudes so it should surprise no one that I put a bunch of extra time into this fig. The print was pretty lousy and as per usual I didn't do enough prep in removing the support scars. As a result I didn't push to higher levels of quality this go-around but at a total cost of around five hours, I think I got to a good place. I did make an effort to line things, though, which isn't a thing that I do super often. So there's that.
2023 finished mini counter: 112/104