
A thing a week 2023, week 49

We're in the home stretch here and it looks like I'm going to hit my arbitrary "fig a day" stretch goal. That means that there's going to be a flood of big posts rounding out the year and hopefully none of the dodgy math that I'm known for.

These three are from Bones 4 who I know as witchy gal, gravestone gal, and barbarian chick (actually Willow Greenivy, Witch, Jahenna, and Talnyth, Female Elf Barbarian). They were done as mostly speed paints mostly because they weren't super complex. Probably Jahenna needed more highlights and again I didn't realize her dress was quite so shiny until reviewing these photos. Talnyth had some pretty bad mold lines and the white bones plastic detail was really, really soft. I did what I could. Probably Ms. Greenivy came out the best and I'm bummed I didn't do more work on the crystal in her staff.  

From blf1 we have elf barbarian and female dwarf cleric and Regis from the Legend of Drizzt boardgame. I didn't super like any of these figs so they were a batch speed paint. They came out OK and I note that the basecoat was shiny again. This time, I think maybe a homemade wash with Daler Rowney ink. The one thing I did do was try really hard to differentiate the different leathers since there was so much of it. Probably the dwarf gal's gold armor needed more work than it got and try as I might, I couldn't get the border of her robe to work.

These two are a moral victory more than anything. On the left we have Levita - Female Arcane Wizard from RN Estudio and Nemesra, Dancing Girl from Bones 4. Levita was one of the first 3d prints hot off my Mars Pro in late December of 2020 and before I realized I was using the wrong layer setting so she's got obvious layer lines like most of the prints in that batch. She started getting paint maybe a couple weeks after and had been sitting on my painting table since then getting the odd brushstroke over the years. Nemesra was in the same boat and both of them have way more paint than they need and end up worse for it. There's something extremely satisfying about completing both of these even though neither is painted well. 

Next up we have an Eye Terror from Crippled God Foundry. Monsters are usually easier than characters and  this guy was more or less the same. I thought I'd need him more quickly than I have (as I type this, he hasn't seen table time yet) so he's speed painted aside from his giant ridiculous eye which I spent good time on. Ultimately he's painted and should see some table time in the next few months. 

These five are clearly skeletons, particularly from blf1. They are questionable sculpts and I did not spend enough time cleaning mold lines (go figure). I could have also painted their hoods in different colors instead of their bases but I clearly didn't. What I did do is hit them with an oil wash. I've typed it before and I've typed it again just now: every time I use an oil wash I'm impressed with how cool they look for so little investment. 

Last up we have a potpourri of blf1 figures. From left to right we have: female human rogue, male gnome rogue, female halfling fighter, male halfling ranger, and female gnome paladin. I can't really call these speed paints because they really weren't weighing in at somewhere between 3 and 5 hours each with the gals getting more work on their faces because they should. Probably their cloaks needed more contrast especially top to bottom but instead I've been experimenting with blacklining. I think it helps and will be experimenting more with it in the future. Stay tuned!

2023 finished mini counter: 313/104 and boy I hope that number's correct.

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