
Crafting challenge, week 17

Output this week was low but there's been a breakthrough!  (video here)  I've not been a proponent of top N lists but in retrospect, I don't really know why.  Maybe they felt really lame to me or artificially forced content into a form they didn't necessarily fit.  Well, I feel differently now.

This one has been pretty fun.  With a formula, I'm both able to see if a point can stand on its own and mercilessly distill the idea if it seems too big.  The result is a better and punchier set of data.  In my script I'm looking for 20ish bullet-like points which stretches the tape to around 7 minutes which isn't terrible.  I was able to harvest all the advice I've been giving out on reddit and massage it into some hopefully evocative advice.

Because the scope is limited, it takes less time to write and edit.  I also did a dozen-ish read-throughs (out loud--my neighbors probably think I'm crazy) which helped smooth out some of the rough spots.  I found that a lot of the jokes I liked when I wrote them didn't work when delivered and a handful of jokes sort of came out of a lousy practice delivery.  I think this is probably the best piece of content I've put on youtube which helps it all feel more worthwhile.  No idea how it'll be received but I'm hopefull it'll be better than bad.

I also did a bunch of design and graduated my sci-fi game to v0.02 which is a real thing, just not one that has anything to show.

Note:  youtube is currently being very bad and uploading very slowly.  I've fixed the link after many trials and tribulations.

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