
Crafting challenge, week 14

This week I did a super mess of work but only finished one thing, this video.  This is a little frustrating.  I did manage to move my crafting station to a different room, something I've wanted for a while.  Unfortunately, moving my recording area didn't work out--the acoustics were lousy over there.

I also did a bunch of painting but didn't finish anything so by my own rules, I don't get credit this week.  I also recorded enough video for next week's post and a channel intro but since neither of those are done either, I also don't get credit for those this week.  So, yeah.  Who wrote these rules, anyway?

Two very nice upsides worth noting:

  • The new crafting area is much tidier.  It almost certainly won't stay that way for long, but it's got more options than the old area.
  • I got my Pro Acryl paints in the mail.  They are awesome.  They seem to go out of stock really quickly, though.

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