
A thing a week 2020, week 9

I collect a lot of concept art for the many games I run.  Organizing this stuff is a real pain in the butt especially when their names are random strings of letters and numbers impossible for most people to remember.  What if there existed a tool that would a) preview this art, b) allow tagging of this art, and c) could display it faster than Windows Photos and without chewing through all available RAM?  Well, I wrote that tool. 

It's a super basic HTML server built in C#.  You hand it a config file with the tags you care about which it throws in checkboxes at the top.  It remembers tags per image (stored in a handy json file) and allows re-tagging if, like me, you often file things while drunk.

This is not a fancy tool and it's got some seriously bad usability issues but it's already saved me a pile of time starting my new campaign. 

meta:  forgot to post this on Sunday but it's backdated through the power of technology!

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