
A thing a week 2020, week 20

As telegraphed last week, this is the rest of the batch of 20 Viking Hirdmen from the last couple weeks.  And if you're wondering, I have 12 of them in reserve and not at all because I'm tired of these guys.  These were actually finished last week but I've got longer-running projects going so I'm happy to have a backlog. 

As I've said before, these are not good paint jobs, but as Shoe likes to say, "the best color for a miniature is painted."  All told these...five...took a total of maybe eight hours including prep, priming, value sketch, faces, and other colors.  That's a heck of a lot faster than I usually go.  Notably, the axe guy showed up for the group shot. 

Like I mentioned last time, I've been trying to clear my workbench for other projects that these guys were in the way for.  Some of that is more minis which will show up here eventually.  Some of it will hopefully be some model building which I've been wanting to revisit since my last building was more than a year ago.

2020 finished mini counter:  22/50

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