
Crafting challenge, week 6

This week (really, this weekend) I returned to my beloved Proxxon and the pile of foam that litters my crafting area.  Problem:  my map of Cedarwood has a bunch of L-shaped buildings but I don't have any L-shaped props.  That's no longer true!

This building is 2x3 with a 1 tile thing off the side of it.  It's the normal tile size (1.75"x1.75") and the base is textured foam mounted to medium weight chipboard.  I would have switched the base to Readi-Board but I wanted to use up some of the random scraps I have laying around.  Construction is pretty much what you might expect:  hot glue of major structures with faux-beams covering the seams.  Hated shingles are PVAed down (yes, I verbed that) as normal.  I also remembered to add a chimney but I think it's a little too small.

Other than the color (which I don't really like) I only did one experiment on this one.  I usually build the roof facia board out of coffee stirrers or crafting sticks to hide the sides of the shingle beds.  This time I used medium weight chipboard textured with the gnarling on my hobby knife.  This was easier to work with but a) didn't hold the texture, and b) warped when painted.  I don't think I'll do that again, but hey, that's how we learn, right?

First coat is the typical BMC base coat of Mod Podge + black craft paint.  All paints on this one are craft paints despite me wanting to airbrush stuff--that'll have to wait.  I wanted to experiment with colors some so the roof is the same slate green as the base but I'd forgotten that I'd textured the shingles as wood.  So that's fun.  The minty-green plaster is also a hard sell.  Drybrushing and homemade-washing proceeded as normal.

The strength of this one is in its build, I think.  While I tried to paint this one bravely, I don't think the color combination really works.  I may repaint it later.

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