
Crafting challenge, week 7

This week is a departure from my normal crafting shenanigans in a big way.  I made a youtube video which you can watch here.  It's a video recap of this post about alcohol which I am very fond of.  If you didn't like the jokes there, well, I don't think I can truthfully claim they're any better in video form.

If I'm honest, this is mostly Shoe's doing (again) and I don't think I do anything quite as unnatural as watching myself shout into a camera with a microphone up in my grill.  But that's how I spent a big chunk of this week.  And then there was the editing.  If you thought I hate shingles, I really hate editing.  I'm told that everyone hates the sound of their voice but whomever it was among you that was supposed to tell me that my voice really sucks, well, you slacked bigtime.

Even though it took the better part of two nights (around 6 hours) to film 37 usable clips filling around 6 minutes and the better part of 3 days to edit into something reasonable, I think it turned out OK.  It definitely got easier the further I got.  I can't say for sure if this youtube thing is going to be a regular occurrence but it's been interesting enough to try again for next week.  Hopefully that won't be the only thing I can report on here, but watch this space for update!

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