
A Lounge of Lizards, part 3 (2021 week 9)

This week we finish up the lizards theme strong with a bunch of figs plus a bonus.  

In keeping with our theme, this is an absolutely enormous croco-gator or something (actually a Dire Crocodile) who came in my Reaper Bones 4 pledge.  I actually used such a creature about a year ago in a sewer fight and had completely forgotten that I had this guy.  I don't recall what my standin was.  He was mostly painted with previously mentioned cheapo airbrush with a little bit of effort pulling out details but after last week's pseudo-try-hard effort, I just wanted to slap some paint around.  So that's what I did.  Most of the hard stuff on this guy was the airbrush but being a natural creature that generally blends into the environment, I didn't do a lot beyond its eyes and teeth.  I'd say it looks good for the roughly hour I spent on it.  

Also from my Reaper Bone 4 pledge came this Wyvern.  It'd been prepped on my priming/building desk for many months with a bunch of other large winged creatures which might make an appearance later this year.  It's painted in mostly the same color scheme as the Dire Croc with some dry brushing and washing in yellows and browns on the wing membranes to pop them out.  It wasn't super complicated painting but I think it looks good for the couple hours I put into it.  If I had it to do again, I think I would have toned down the wing membranes since the yellow is so eye-catching and detracts from his crazy-eyed head.

These guys are Nolzur's Grey Slaad and Death Slaad which I don't remember buying and yet they show up in my records nonetheless.  The more I paint these Nolzur's figs the more I'm disappointed with them.  I hate the mold lines which are awful and I'm not super sold on their "pre-primed" state which sometimes paint doesn't like to stick to.  I basically slapped paint on these guys in a pseudo-shaded basecoat kind of way channeling my inner Wappellious Spellbrush which is quite fun.  They're green and orange because I had those colors out on the palette and I don't particularly care what the models are supposed to be.  They were completed in around 4 hours total and I think they look OK for that investment.  

Next up we have three Runewars Flesh Rippers which I'm pretty sure I bought at steep discount with a bunch of other interesting figs.  I don't play Runewars and I have no idea if they're actually lizards but it's my theme and I'm going to count them as such.  These were a mess and I lost one of their arms which is why there are only three of them.  I don't know what kind of plastic they used but it's hard to get mold lines off of and on these guys they were brutal.  They were base-coated mostly with my cheapo airbrush with highlights and details as normal with a normal brush.  These weren't a hard paint but they came out OK to the tune of ~4 hours for the three of them.  They look a little flat now that I'm not in the throes of painting them and I might punch them up a bit at a later date.

Last up this week we have a Reaper Bones Chaos Toad Sorcerer.  It came with my Bones 4 pledge and since it's holding a fireball, I took this opportunity to have some fun with object source lighting.  And this one was actually fun!  It started out with slapping paint around the model and three hours later that was pretty much what I was still doing.  I don't know what it was with this one.  The details aren't good and there's a lot of crap that is just plain not right but I liked the lighting effect enough to stop painting.  I didn't even get back to cleaning up the mess on the smoke trail.  I like painting OSL and I'm excited to do more--stay tuned!

2021 serious OSL attempts:  1/5
2021 finished mini counter:  79/100

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