
Elffest 2021, week2 (week 35)

As mentioned last week, this week we have the blue team's archers and it seems like all of these figures were challenging in some way.  As per usual, they are primed, anti-zenithaled, and zenithaled. I'd intended to do glazes over a value sketch but that didn't really work out as we shall see. These six weigh in at around fourteen hours total which feels heavy for the intent but heavily weighted toward the last one.

First up we have one half of Nolzur's Female Elf Rangers. The more of these Nolzur's figs I paint, the less I like them and I suspect that I may at some point burn through the rest of them to get them out of the way. Look, I like that I can get a wide diversity of figs for a relatively competitive price, but even with a lot of work, these can't support great paint jobs. I guessed at what was going on for most of this fig which is why she's got so much armor. I have no idea what the intent of some of her details were. I am not fond of this figure and I'm glad I don't have to paint her again. Hopefully her blister-mate will go better.

This is Lindir, Elf Archer from Reaper Bones and I liked this fig more prior to painting it than after. His face is kind of messed up and my paint job did not help this. A lot of the details were soft and if I'd been more into this fig, I'd have popped out the details on his boots like the ones on his jerkin. I think this color scheme works and overall and he looks OK at a distance but it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. 

These three are the fun ones. These three are vintage Earthdawn figs from Heartbreaker, ones I bought a long time ago and I wish I'd bought more of. I'm sure I've typed this before, but Earthdawn is one of my favorite RPGs. These three are fairly exaggerated even for early 90s sculpts but that doesn't keep me from loving them. I did what I could with the skintones but their arms and hands are pretty nuts. I struggled to highlight the volumes reasonably partially because I was going fast, and partially because I was being lazy. I do like how these turned out all things considered, but I wouldn't be surprised if I decided to revisit them at a later date.

This is a Wood Elf Scout from the Chainmail Ravilla Box set, and a gift from a pal. She's been sitting on my workbench for many months like most of the Elves in this theme. The non-metallics are mostly Pro Acryl Transparents lightened by light fleshtones and off whites. The metallics are Vallejo Metal Color and highlit with Golden High Flow Acrylics and washed (not very well) with Badger Ghost Tint Midnight Blue (not in that order). I like this fig and spent a lot of time on her and despite the bad shots over here, I think she turned out pretty well. I'm going to count her as a high quality fig for this year. Ultimately, I'm happy but not satisfied and will count this as one of my high quality figs for the year.

2021 finished mini counter: 201/100, 4/5 high quality

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