
A thing a week 2021, week 32

This week, big surprise, we have minis. While not a theme, we're into "crap I have on my painting table," now newly rearranged. It probably goes without saying that they're primed, shadowed, and zenithaled with the airbrush as per usual. While not a speed print, they weren't full ballsack efforts but as characters, I put more than a speed paint's worth of effort per fig but they also gathered paint at the end of a session where I had the right colors available on my palette.

This is a Shadow Dragon from the Legend of Drizzt board game. It's been on my painting desk since early last year. It's a pretty good sculpt suffering from an awfully lousy mold and I didn't do anywhere near enough work cleaning up mold lines. Where I hadn't done enough with them, I did a couple layers of gloss varnish which kind of hid them. After several old layers of paint, I did a bunch of the expected work including a few light drybrushes on the wings. I left the eyes pupil-less since I think they looked good that way. This is probably around five hours of effort most of it was painting over the existing crap I'd put down last year. I didn't push the contrast as far as I could have but I've got way more dragons to paint so stay tuned!

These two are Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Half-Orc Female Barbarian, a SKU name that defies all ledgers to contain its girth. These were bought last year with one of them (the non-chain cloak gal) intended as a PC in my last campaign...that we never actually played in person. As a result, they never got painted...until NOW! These sculpts aren't terrible (though, they're not good), but the molds are awful. They're full of mold lines that real hard to deal with. There's a lot of sculpting with paint going on here and despite the six-ish hours spent (mainly on their fleshtones and faces) they're only OK. That saidtyped, I learned a lot painting these and I feel like this is time well spent.

This kitty assassin is a 3D print of Skivvara - Tabaxi Rogue from Twin Goddess Miniatures whose work I'm quite fond of. I like this figure despite her non-armor and the complexity of the rim of the base which is both difficult to paint and unwarranted. I put about seven hours into this fig which is about three hours more than I wanted to but it was fun despite the fact that I don't think it's a good paint job. It's hard painting black and like Obeng from last year, I rather failed to get anything resembling proper shading on her not limited to not bringing the shadows down as far as they should have been. I'm also noticing that I missed painting her belt buckle which I'll fix shortly. At the end, I just wanted to be done so the gold coins and chest and all that was a rush job. Luckily, being a 3d print, I've got more of her and mayhap I'll do a Black Cat Challenge(TM) every year. Seems like a good idea.

These two are 3D prints of Human Female Paladin by The Lion's Tower on (you guessed it), MyMiniFactory.com. This is a free STL which I think I printed at something around 28mm. Normally I like smaller figs--they're cheaper to print and easier to paint most of the time. In this case, their faces were so small they were a real struggle to paint. That didn't keep me from spending a lot of time on them. I intended them as a one day paint but because I had so much fun painting their faces, I got a face on a completely different fig. Instead, these took two (which is fine) and because the metallics were so much of these figs, I did some work with Badger Ghost Tints and Golden High Flow Iridescent Silver which are both glossy and which are both very transparent. Also of note, Badger Ghost Tints and normal metallics wet blend surprisingly well which is fun! These two gals took about six hours all told and I think the results, particularly their faces, are good.

2021 finished mini counter: 177/100

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