
A Song of Ice and Paint week 3 (2021 week 46)

This is our midpoint in this theme and we have a fun one this week. These beeftastic dudes are The Mountain's Men and again, I have to note that I don't know Game of Thrones lore so I can only imagine that "The Mountain" was some really big dude and I'm too lazy to google it.

These are done like the previous units in this theme starting with airbrush, following with washes, highlights, metallics, and gloss washes on the metallics. In retrospect, many of these guys have so much armor that I really should have airbrushed them with shaded metallics rather than the other way around. That meant that the metallic steps were especially grindy and rather flat. I'd intended to do more highlighting on the metallics but these are the guys that convinced me not to.

The next two weeks were done as a slightly smaller batch which means they'll have their own set of problems (and boy, do they). These first three weeks span 38 figs and were done in 39.5 hours which puts us at right around 1 hour per fig which is right around where I wanted them to land. Note that this is the painting only not including scraping of mold lines, building and mounting on bases, or priming. Next week we'll get some different dudes and, well, it hasn't gone as well.

2021 finished mini counter: 307/100

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