
A Song of Ice and Paint week 4 (2021 week 47)

This week we continue the current theme with A Song of Ice and Fire 
Builder Crossbowmen. I have to think these are unaligned units that can be added to any army like salt or pepper or jalapenos. The documentation tells me they're part of the Night Watch which I know nothing about. 

These guys were a mess. Next week's will be too and for the same reason: I messed up with my airbrush. I stuck a grey over some of their cloaks that was a) too dark, and b) too messy. This resulted in a lot of extra work highlighting those cloaks since the Pro Acryl Transparent Black really wants to go over a light color. Cleanup work with a brush, especially across a batch is a tedious thing especially if you're in a hurry.

Another thing of note is that even if these guys aren't particularly tall, most of them have a really wide stance. Good for balance. Bad for basing. I had to crank out the 35mm bases for these and a bunch of the next batch so I'm glad I had a pile of these on hand. Also in basing news, I'd bought a new batch of cut-rate 25mm bases and wasn't careful with them. I usually have to glue a spacer between the base and the magnet to get them to sit right and while these needed a spacer, the ones I normally use are slightly too tall--like half a mm. So many of them wobble, too.

Overall I think these guys work. I mean, they're probably going to be killed by player characters more often than not so they don't get a ton of screen time. I do think they'd hold a better paint job if I weren't on a mission to hit 365 this year. So there's that. 

2021 finished mini counter: 319/100

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