
A thing a week 2022, week 12

This week have a hodgepodge of stuff but that doesn't mean it sucks!

First up we have the dorf corps comprised of a Reaper Bones Barden Barrelstrap, since rebranded as Dwarf Cleric, Barden and two 3d printed Dwarf Clerics that I cannot find the source file for. Barden's paint job isn't great but then again, neither the sculpt nor the mold are very great either. The one that really steams me is the terrible mold line crossing his face. The two others were a free STL file and as such, they're helping drive my cost per fig down. As a mini-batch they're all more or less in the same color scheme and they were done in a couple days maybe spanning eight hours all told. They aren't great paint jobs, but they are painted.

Next up we have Human Cleric, Broderick, sometimes Broderick Alt Pose, Crusaders Captain from Reaper and unlike Barden, he's metal and doesn't have the difficulties of Bones figs. Like Barden, he was bought about six years ago when I was just getting back into RPGs and wanted to cover as many weapon configurations as I could. Unlike Barden, this guy did see some screen time as a player character. I like this fig despite his stupidly exaggerated fantasy hammer. The fig will hold a higher quality paint job but I didn't particularly do one, though I did put effort into shading and highlighting the armor. I think it's a nice result complete in about eight hours.

Last and most importantly, we have a 3d printed Battlemage from Galaad. I really like this fig. She's got reasonable armor, is not over-endowed, and she's got some fire in her hand even though I clearly didn't do any OSL (I did think about it, tho). This fig is a great example of great design. She's got an open pose; nothing terribly occluded and her armor is just detailed enough to give easy things to focus on while not being so complicate as to be a pain. This is the kind of fig that you can spend a lot of time on and will hold a really high quality paint job. I pushed to a much higher quality than usual though I did not push as far as I could have. Nor is she the "big project" I've kept noting over the last few weeks. I do think this is one of the paint jobs I've done and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm also reminded that I like this paint scheme which is something like "analogous complementary." Done in something like a dozen hours, I suspect she's not the last we've seen of this fig.

2022 finished mini counter: 56/100, 3/10 high quality

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