
A thing a week 2022, week 19

No theme this week, just a trio of painted figs. These three are Dark Mantle Assassin from Crippled God Foundry in both masked and unmasked versions. And if you're wondering why there are three and not four, it's because the fourth lost her arm in a terrible printing malfunction. In fact, if you look close, most of them have some pancaking going on. They were a little fiddly to paint, especially their faces which have a lot of cross-detail going on. I also had quite a lot of difficulty pinning them down through the one foot. 

Someday I'll figure out how to use my printer correctly but I'm waiting for it to warm up some before trying again. Supposedly these devices work better when it's warm which might partially explain why so many of this last round came out so bad (printed in at the end of last year). Some of it is almost certainly not having spent the time to dial in the device. 

Probably I'll buy a new one sometime soon. Unfortunately, the newer versions don't seem to be particularly more user friendly though they do print a lot faster. 

2022 finished mini counter: 79/100

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