
A thing a week 2022, week 41

This week we're back to minis though nothing particularly exciting--you'll have to wait for that.

These chunky beasties are Dire Boars from Reaper Bones 4 and yes I still have a pile of Bones 4 figs to paint still. I've recently (well recently as of this paint) started experimenting with Contrast Paints. For subjects like these two that aren't going to get a lot of screen time and generally don't need a high quality paint job, contrast paints are a great choice. I think they came out OK for probably not even a half hour of effort though they aren't quite so shiny in person.

These are most of Genadier #305 were creatures, specifically the were-boar and were-ape. The were-wolf is MIA. I don't 100% recall when I bought these guys but it was probably in the late 90s and for the era, they are OK sculpts. The molding, however, is questionable in an appropriately vintage kind of way. They're painted and based simply  again mostly with contrast paints which IMO fits their sculpts and I'm happy to have them done.

Bones 4 bed mocking beast because mimics. I'm starting to gather quite a collection of these and they are one of my favorite monsters in fantasy settings. This isn't a good paint job but really, none of these are. It's contrast paint with a coat of gloss wash in the mouth with several coats of IIRC Seraphim Sepia for the wood tones. I don't remember what I did with the planking on the base, looks like Pro Acryl Transparent Brown which is one of my go-to paints for this purpose. 

This next guy is a Chainmail Starter Set Hyena and not a terrible sculpt. It's a metal fig and I kind of phoned in both the paint job and the basing. Also the shoot and I'm not sure why the right hand shot is so out of focus. He'll go with the rest of the beasties in my collection and will likely see some screen time at some point.

This is a Nolzur's Bulette, another one of my favorite D&D monsters. This is probably the most complex paint job of the set and it entailed a bunch of drybrushing and washes. I wanted the purple to be a little more subtle that it turned out and probably the dirt would have been better with a little more orange. Overall, he's OK and most importantly: painted.

2022 finished mini counter: 172/100

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