
Sci-fi Showdown, week 1 (2022 week 42)

One of my regular players is out of town for an extended period so we're switching gears and doing a two or three session sci-fi mini-campaign. Problem: I have no painted sci-fi characters. Solution: paint some!

These are Reaper Chronoscape Bones Nova Corp Riflemen and Soldiers and they are not good paint jobs. Oh no. These are slapchopped which is basically a new funky-named painting meme that I've been doing for years. Given how long I haven't been painting, that's a feat! We're basically going to zenithal, dark wash, drybrush, then glaze to get almost everything we want in a speed paint in not much time. 

Naturally, I couldn't stop there. Possibly this is due to the month I took off to build a thing from small plastic bricks. I took it a half step further by highlighting things at least a tiny bit. They do not hold up to close scrutiny but that's not really what they're for. They're here to present a pseudo-credible threat and to ultimately be shot up by player characters. 

2022 finished mini counter: 179/100

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