
Sci-fi Showdown, week 2 (2022 week 43)

Last week we saw the bads, this week we see the PCs...and some other folks. And because I'm dumb I forgot to post this on the right day but through the power of the Internet, I've backdated it.

First up we have Reaper Bones:  Pulp Era Female Pilot and Reaper Bones: Sascha Dubois. They are good sculpts let down by bad molds and worse paint job. They were a speed paint done in around three hours for the both of them over a couple of days. Both are both re-painting if I can get them in metal. Given the time spent, I think they turned out pretty well. 

Next up we have Titan Forge Strahva playing the part of Jerry Noble, smuggler, hotshot, and Han Solo lookalike. Jerry Noble does not dual wield pistols and does not have two cyber arms but he was closer than a lot of the other figs I might have had. Then again, it's a three session mini-series so probably this is OK. This is also a speed paint mostly with contrast paint or in the case of his shirt, just letting the zenithal do the work. I don't think his boots turn out super well though the metallic arms are awfully well textured and picked up the wash and highlights well. Not bad for a couple hours of work.

This would be our wall of meat in a wall of mech, Stephen Lancaster, ex-shipbreaker and ex-union tough played by Titan Forge Lecter Hernandez. The orange in his color scheme was the choice of the player since we figured he met the narrator of this series in a jail. The pants and browns are both highlight contrast paints which are rapidly becoming my go-to for basecoats. The fleshtones and face were most of the work which clocked in at about two hours all told. 

The first of the non-speed paints is next. Josephina Jonaka, a rocker and former streamer is played by Titan Forge Jenny Silverleg. I bought this STL early last year because I liked it more than because I had any particular use for it. Imagine my surprise that it fit this PC so well! While her pants and red coat are mostly phoned in, her face and hair were not. This sculpt is pretty good and aside from some negative space which is really painful, it'll hold a higher quality paint job than I could afford here. So naturally, I printed a second one which we'll see some day, some time. 

And at this point it probably doesn't come as a surprise that next up we have Titan Forge Bonnie Gun
 playing the part of my combat medic NPC Ellen Hargrove. Since we weren't going to be spending all that much time with these characters, I figured I'd make them stand out and aside from their very different poses, I painted them in very different colors. I didn't spend as much time highlighting her dress as I should have and didn't realize it had come out quite so shiny. Probably I should have done more with the copper metallics as in, not painted those parts in that color. I don't think it works. Overall, I think a reasonable results and I just so happened to print another one of her, too.

2022 finished mini counter: 183/100

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