
Sci-fi Showdown, week 5 (2022 week 46)

This week we continue our theme with maybe one more to go. Or maybe not? I'm far too lazy to edit these after the fact. You'll just have to find out.

First up we have Reaper Bones Bonnie and my fig did not look that good when I got her out of the packaging. The sculpt is good but the mold I got was very, very not. I did what I could with the mold lines but parts of this fig are misshapen in weird ways. I took this as an opportunity to practice sculpting with paint and so I did. I put probably half the painting time of the roughly three hours I spent on her face and despite the lousy mold, I think it's a good result. Looking at the shot here, I did not realize her pants were so super shiny and likewise, that my shots didn't show all the makeup work I did.

Next up we have Ryan Ford from Titan Forge. This guy was a speed paint to the tune of about two hours. I'm not certain that the red metallics on his face are a) supposed to be metallics, and b) work OK. I figured I needed more red on the fig to balance out the red on the inner lining of his coat, hence those plates and his tie. I also did a very patchy job on a 5 o'clock shadow that I don't think works. This is a pretty good fig for a speed paint since he doesn't have a ton of details. Probably he'll show up again some day.

This is Tex also from Titan Forge and he's also definitely a speed paint. Done in about two hours and mostly with contrast paints, you can see how badly I phoned his pants and shirt in. I mean, I left his shirt with the zenithal. Oh, and I forgot to point out the fancy freehand bases I've been putting on the characters. These are 3d prints that I designed with a magnet holder on the bottom and rather than leave them boring or pile a bunch of flock like I normally would, I hit them with a gradient and a pseudo-interesting pattern. I think they work. 

And rounding out this week is a pile of eight, count them eight, pieces of terrain and yeah, I know that the allegedly marble dragon pillar is more of a fantasy prop but it's my prop and I'll call it what I like. These are from Dungeons and Lasers, I think the second kickstarter but I wouldn't put money on that.

2022 finished mini counter: 206/100

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