
Sci-fi Showdown, week 7 (2022 week48)

As mentioned last week, this will be the last week of our impromptu sci-fi theme and we start off with Ghar Bomber and Ghar Assault from Beyond the Gates of Antares, a game I notably don't play. Pretty sure I bought these on sale as individual sprues on sale somewhere which is why I only have one of each. I'd intended on doing a bunch of airbrush work but only really did the basecoats with it. I also had the intention of doing some fun gem and metallic shading but then I got busy and ended up doing these more as a speed paint than I expected. After a very messy metallics round I hit them both with an oil wash with the associated wiping and removing of said oils. Every time I do this, I'm stunned at how much work an oil wash can do and how it can save an otherwise shoddy paint job.

These two guys are 0-hr starships, another game I don't play. Like the Ghar dudes above, I'm pretty sure I bought these on sale, too. They're also simply painted with the airbrush calling out a handful of details. They'd been sitting around my workshop for quite a while so it was good to get them done even if the best parts don't show in these pictures. I especially like their clear acrylic bases and would really like to buy/make a bunch of them.

Last up we have a couple cars. I don't 100% recall where I got them but I'm pretty sure it was a really long time ago, possibly in the mid-90s or early aughts. With a liberal application of internet sleuthery I have identified the green one as a Grenadier Street Gang Car and the red car as Grenadier Corporate Sports Car also almost certainly a reprint as Mirliton Corporate Speedster. Basecoats were provided by the airbrush as one might expect followed by some questionable detailing. I'm not sure the red car's metallic bubble top worked out super well, nor did the faint shading on the green car's windows. I hit the green car with a dark wash to grunge it up but I don't think it super sells. Neither does the yellow in the headlights. Some day I'll get more practice painting this kind of machinery as I dig into my Battletech figs but that'll have to wait.

2022 finished mini counter: 217/100

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