
A thing a week 2024, week 19

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I'm ever-so-slowly grinding down the last of the Bones 4 pledge I made way back in the fall of 2017. This is in preparation of receiving my Bones 6 fulfillment in the next few months. One step forward, one step back and is it just me or does 2017 seem like forever ago? Anyway.

First up we have a Tidal Lurker. It's bigger than it probably looks in these shots and if I'm honest, it's not a fig that I like a whole lot. It's very fiddly and had a mess of mold lines that were a real pain and has a lot of negative space which was difficult to deal with. It's sat prepped on my painting desk for probably a year and a half until last weekend. This is an almost coconut crab style of painting that did the rounds for Tyranid painters a few years ago. It's a pretty dramatic effect at arm's length and not particularly difficult to pull off but my first go-around here crumbles under close scrutiny, probably because I wasn't very careful and didn't work very hard. It was done in a few hours and I'm not super sure if it'll ever see in-game action.

Next up we have a Thrasher Snail. This is also a larger-than-it-seems fig and one that I actually like except for the mold lines and its lousy paint job. I didn't have a plan here and it probably shows. The composition isn't good and I was maybe a little daring with the color scheme beyond that. Overall it looks bad. I didn't have a good idea for the main color for the shell but in retrospect the off-white does not look good and neither does its dumb eyes which look entirely un-snail-like. It also sat on my painting table for multiple years (see: didn't have a plan) so I'm happy it's done. 



Last up we have a Cyclops. Maybe it's because I've been playing Dragon's Dogma II, easily the best game I've played in a really long time, but I got the inclination to paint it. I could have gone the elephant-style skin for him had I been thinking about it, but I clearly didn't. Despite being a speed paint, I wound up spending quite a lot of time on its fleshtones which I think shows. Everything else was basically phoned in. This is another monster that I don't find a lot of use for so it's not clear if it'll ever see game time. 

2024 finished mini counter: 119/208

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