
A thing a week 2024, week 20

This week we have four war mages from the Kingdom of Talarius campaign from Lion's Tower. I don't remember when this campaign ran and I'm far too lazy to look it up but suffice to say it was a while ago. Lilly from week 18 is from the same campaign. Much like Lilly, I liked these figs more before I started painting them.

These dudes are throwing skull fireball things and clearly they're a speed paint. They're clearly Gandalf-like figures complete with their beards and pointy hats...but they're also super-jacked because I guess they also cast fist? This is a weird stylistic choice IMO. I also didn't like that there was so many hard-to-reach negative spaces on them. I certainly could have put more time into these, particularly their fireball-skulls which look pretty awful, but ultimately I don't like these figs enough to do more. They're mostly basic highlights over speed paints with some details pulled out. They're the best color: painted.

These gals are throwing water--no skulls this time. I like these a lot better than the dudes and similarly a lot less once I started painting them. They've got the same hard-to-reach negative spaces that the dudes did with the added bonus of the underside of their water effects that are sculpted in, not that I would have painted them in subassemblies or anything. You can also tell how much time I didn't spend making their spell effects match even though they were painted at roughly the same time. You also can't tell how much time I did spend on their faces because their eyes didn't come out well. That's jus' how it be sometimes. Ultimately I've got two more water benders for the collection though I don't know if they'll ever see screen time.

2024 finished mini counter: 123/208

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