
A thing a week 2024, week 21

This week we have something special. This is Annoyed Rocky from Reaper and I got him and four of his dopplegangers with Bones 4. I clearly painted him in blue and pulled off the nub that holds the little dragonfly which will show up somewhere, eventually. His pals will be in a variety of colors in the future but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I started with a very patchy blue ink basecoat with the airbrush which looked very bad. I followed that with a couple passes of a weird homemade wash and finally a speed paint coat. From there I picked out every single scale not fewer than three times with additional work on details like his horns, claws, eyes, etc. If that sounds tedious, it kind of was, but is was also kind of liberating since I didn't have to think very hard about it. It doesn't show in these photos, but there's an overall volumetric shading across all the scales but it's probably too subtle. Somewhat fittingly, the light blue on his scales is played by an ancient pot of Reaper Pro Paint Dragon Blue that I bought in the early aughts. His paint job clocked in at somewhere around ten hours all told and he'll count as a high quality paint job but I'm in no way committing to picking out individual scales on the other four.

2024 finished mini counter: 124/208, high quality 7/12

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