
Filling Out a City

About six months ago I made this post where I stuck the Cedarwood map in all of its pixel-busting glory in these un-hallowed pages.  I've referred to it quite a lot over that time mostly when dispensing GM advice.  Well today I want to post some of the finer-grained pieces for similar examples.  So here goes.

These are two of the neighborhoods of Cedarwood in exactly they detail that I built them in when I needed them.  In fact, there's probably too much detail there for what I needed.  For the most part, aspiring GMs don't really need to go into this kind of detail.  In the case of the Kelldra map, we ran like three sessions there so having that detail really helped.  For the Greypeak map, we spent, I dunno, a couple hours there so most of that wasn't used.  

This is a common trap that new folks tend to fall into:  wanting to figure everything out, but if you've watched my prep: tools and tips video, then you know how bad an idea this usually is.  Both of these maps have spaces where I can fill in what the labeled buildings are.  (Pro tip:  those buildings were chosen for their easy representation with the terrain I've built.)  Heck, most of the buildings aren't even labeled so I'm not in any real trouble if I run out.  That's the trick:  GMing magic happens where we leave space because we can fill it in when we have a need.

Feel free to use both of these for personal use but please not in your publication or anything like that (copyright me 2019).  If anyone really wants, I'd be happy to post the rest of the ones I have detailed if it'll help your game be a little more awesome.

In other news, I no longer have to be unhappy about having only a video to post this week :)

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