
Crafting challenge, week 2

This week I finished three minis, two of those mostly painted today.  I experimented more than normal and even though I didn't do a great job I feel like I learned a bunch in the process.  These are for player characters and since they get more screen time than baddies I put a lot more effort in than usual.  I think it's a half step up from my normal "looks OK on the tabletop" quality bar.  Someday I'll be good at this.

From left to right (front view) they are:
- Ezren, Iconic Wizard from Reaper (aka Moses throwing a gang sign)
- Rogan, Half-Orc Thief also from Reaper
- Female Human Ranger (1 of 2) from Nolzur's Marvelous Minis

You knew it was going to happen eventually but I gotta rant about a thing.  I generally like Nolzur's line though I think their faces could use some, I dunno, re-proportioning.  This is the first time I painted a fig in that line that I thought was a real pain.  Lots of parts of this fig aren't easily reachable which means that parts of it are painted less well than I'd like because I didn't want to take a saw to it. 

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that whoever modeled it didn't think all that hard about how one might paint it.  I feel like I can be critical of this because I do the same thing when I have to assemble my figs.  I'm getting better about this.  A lot of what made the human ranger time consuming was working around difficulties in the sculpting.  By contrast, I spent that time on extra details/layers/whatevers on the other two. 

I also wrote an article!  This one was already mostly complete last month but needed a little bit extra.  I did a bunch of other writing this week so hopefully that stuff will show up here soon.  I'm liking all the worldbuilding stuff and I'm finding that I have quite a lot more to say about it than I thought I did.  Inspiration for a new topic seems to pop up every other day or so. 

2019 finished mini counter:  32/100

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