
Crafting challenge, week 39

Squeaking in just before the end of the year I hit my 100 figs painted with these four goblins.  These were the interesting ones in the set from Bones 4 and in a better world I wouldn't have rushed some of the details.  I think they'll be fine on the table but don't work under scrutiny.

I'll do a longer wrap up in a couple days in my increasingly non-award winning year in review post but I'll say a few things here since I'm thinking about it.  Even though I hit my goal, it feels like a hollow success.  I tried some new stuff out and learned a few things but feel like I ended the year only slightly better off than I started it.  I bought a lot of gear and got gains out of that but feel like everything this year was rushed to hit a deadline.  While I went faster, I feel like I did so at generally lower quality overall and I'm not sure that's a good trade.  I'll write more about this later.

2019 finished mini counter:  102/100

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