
A thing a week 2020, week 36

This week's offering is way behind of when the work was done.  I'm pushing a bow wave here which is how I like this to work.  This way I don't have to feel pressured if I'm not up to painting or building or am busy or have a bigger project running in the background like I have the last few weeks.

This guy is a Reaper Bones Dracolisk and a fig I've had around for quite a while.  He was a boss in a dungeon in my campaign way back in 2016 and he needed paint.  I painted him in oils in around 3.5 hours part of which overlapped with previous work.  I didn't blend every scale on him, but I blended quite a lot of them.  I probably should have raised the contrast on him but I kind of wanted to move on so I did.  I'm especially happy with how alien his eyes ended up being and how well the orange and purple color scheme worked out.

These three are Drow Duelists from the Legend of Drizzt Boardgame and the less said about them the better.  The mold lines are crap with one going across the face and chin. The sculpt isn't great and I didn't do a great job painting them.  These were always intended as a speed paint and it shows.  All told they're three-ish hours over a couple days but they're now the best color:  painted.

These are two packs of Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures Ballista.  The Golden Sun has two such items attached to its main deck so I figured I needed something to represent them.  I don't like these figures.  They're fiddly with weird details that don't make sense and seem to only tangentially resemble the things I want them to represent.  The skulls on the front are dumb and get in the way of proper aiming and the front shield thing is nonsensical.  I painted the trim around the front shield thing as metal which is what it seem to be sculpted as but this means that the limbs of the device are immobile--the mechanism can't fire!  I hate this kind of inattention to detail as much as I hate unrealistic armor.

On top of all that, these were a mess to work with.  Nolzur's claim to be primed but paint sometimes has a hard time sticking to it and the "primer" is on fairly thick.  I might be able to forgive these shortcomings except that it makes the already awful mold lines way worse.  I think every Nolzur's figure I've painted has had bad mold lines or mold issues or some other kind of sculpting shortcoming.  I might be done buying these if they weren't so reasonably priced and have sometimes exactly the figures I need.

2020 finished mini counter:  88/50

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