
A thing week 2020, week 46

Last week we had lazy painting, this week we have less lazy painting.   I guess it's all about contrast.  As such, I didn't keep up my last few weeks' pace of more than one fig per day on average and I cannot be bothered to back-date something even though I'm like four weeks ahead at this point.

This guy is an elfdwarf archer which I printed.  He has the distinction of being self-supported which is great because I didn't have to do any real work to get him to print.  My best guess is that most of my collection is 28mm but it spans 25mm and 32mm and whatever the crap the ASOIAF guys are.  So when I print minis, I tend to scale them down to fit in with what I think is most of my collection.  Well, I scaled this guy down too far.  He's 28mm from his feet to the top of his bow which is way over his eye line.  So I've decided he's a dwarf and, yes, dwarves in my worlds have pointed ears like the ones out of Earthdawn so that works.

Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum here are Reaper Bones Town Guard from Bones 4 kickstarter and they are enormous.  I've got a pile of figs primed, shaded, and ready to go on my hobby desk and I'm (very) slowly working on a set of figs that I don't super want to paint.  Everything that's not those guys look much better than they might otherwise which cause them to get painted first.  These sculpts are good even if I didn't handle the mold lines super well and I spent more time than I might otherwise have on them.  I wanted to push the contrast on their non-metallics which worked...OK. At the time of this typing, now a few weeks after the painting, they don't really hold up under scrutiny and the metallics look really, really sloppy. These are OK at tabletop distance and finished in maybe five-ish hours over a couple of days.

This is a Reaper Bones Aina, Female Valkyrie.  I am not supposed to like this figure.  She has terrible armor, a bendy sword, and completely impractical long flowy hair.  Sometimes I just can't help myself.  Probably because so many of the last few were speedy paints, I spent a comparatively long time on this one.  I had high hopes of doing NMM and then didn't do any of that.  I really have to work on doing NMM like things in real metallic metals because my metallic shading on this fig was shit.  That sucks because I thought the cloth, her hair, and her face were well done, notably the first things I finished.  There are angles that I think she looks really good, notably the angle she's facing and for that I'm going to count her toward my high quality figs for the year.  Total painting time was somewhere around nine hours which at this point seems lavish.  

I started Ava Justina, Female Templar (from Bones 4) at about the same time as Aina and I wanted another crack at metallica shading.  The majority of the base coat is the same Vallejo Game Air Chainmail Silver with shadows of their Gunmetal and heavily thinned Badger Ghost Tint Oil Discharge.  The bronze is Pro Acryl with Ghost Tint Golden Yellow and this time I don't think it worked out very well and I'm not 100% sure why.  Overall, we're talking three-ish hours a bunch of which was her face and hair and I'm not super unhappy with the result.  I think the shading on the metallics worked OK which just means I need more practice.   I will say that I generally like stylized characters but I'm finding some of these chunky Bones 4 sculpts to be more clownish than awesome.  

2020 finished mini counter:  162/50, 8/5 high quality

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