
A thing a week 2020, week 48

More minis this week as promised and some of this is supremely lazy painting.  This is the big push to 200 for the year and these figs were mostly painted in the second week of November.  Given that this is going live after Thanksgiving, I'm starting to need to pile some stuff up.  Also true that I have a lot of other stuff that's going to get in the way of painting not limited to the cleaning I haven't done any of the year since I haven't had a single in-person party this year.  

Here's a pile of free, self-supported set of spiders printed at a half inch or so.  I use these a lot in my games but somehow don't have very many spider figs.  This is the epitome of lazy painting, really a couple dry brushes to pick out volumes with a colored candy coat over the top.  They won't get magnetized because I'm just not that worried about them--they can live with the other swarmers in a bin.  There are 15 in total but I can't really count them as full figs so we'll count them 3 to a fig weighing in at 5 total.  The effort involved here was maybe an hour for all of them.  I kind of want to experiment with this kind of painting more than I have any particular need for 15 more spiders.  Though, now that I saytype it, I know that the player characters are super bad bout needing piles of bads.  So there's that.  You should expect more of these in the future.

These four knights are 3D prints from a free model which I can't be bothered to look up.  They were printed pretty early on in owning my printer and even now I'm still fiddling with scale.  These are true scale which makes their heads and hands look really super duper small and look tiny even against a lot of my vintage 25mm figs.  I also snapped the swords of two of them, one never to be found and I didn't have a good replacement weapon in my parts bin.  The remainder of the hilt looks like a lollypop so we've got that going for us.  Also during the painting of them, I noticed that there are some pretty significant printing errors which shouldn't be that surprising since they were some of the first figs I printed.  They were shaded with an airbrush in like 2 minutes with a nuln oil wash and brush-painting of their tabbards.  We're under an hour for the four.

This guy is Reaper Bones Sir William the Peacemaker from Bones 4.  Like Ava Justina in week 46, I am not a fan of this sculpt.  The mold lines weren't a super problem but the guy is almost a cartoon and has similarly soft details.  Despite this, I put quite a lot of effort into this guy.  I wanted to experiment shading with true metallic metals and I did a bunch of lining to make up for the fig's softness.  The base metallics were shot through my airbrush in a "I should get more use out of this thing" kind of way.  I minorly adjusted this with Pro Acryl silver and pulling down with Badger Ghost Tint Midnight Blue.  About four hours got me here.  Some of that worked but I clearly need to push it further and the blue candy coat on his shield is pretty awful.  

You can cancel the search for the missing dark dwarf because he's here and found paint!  This Reaper Bones Dark Dwarf Striker from Bones 4 should have been on the victory podium way back in week 35 but sadly, he was lost and deprived of his glory...until now!  I found him several weeks ago in the bin full of figs that didn't require assembly and he made it through the priming gauntlet and onto the desk of painting.  He followed the same basic airbrushing with metallics as Sir Bill above but unfortunately we'll have to wait a bit longer to get the TMM at higher fidelity--this guy was a speed paint.  I did some but not much but he is done in the span of a couple hours all told.  

2020 finished mini counter:  182/50

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