
A thing a week 2021, week 39

This we have one of my favorite things ever: cheap and easy painting. Bones 5 fulfilled earlier this year and these are probably the easiest paints in the entire batch. Despite the time investment herein, I think these guys look good.

These six guys are listed as Boulderkin and they're apparently too new to be listed on Reapermini.com. They're primed, shadowed (anti-zenithaled) and zenithaled as usual but we use the airbrush one step further: they got a basecoat and basic highlight with the airbrush. After that, an ink wash, dry brush, and picking out their beady eyes finished them off. I put them on desert-y bases because my current campaign is happening in a desert-y environment. I'd intended to take two shots of these as normal but forgot so enjoy this uncentered photo.

I'm calling this guy a stump elemental. I have no idea what he's supposed to be but he's listed with the dark elves. He's painted basically like the boulderkin with the addition of picking out a few details and adding a few highlights in brushwork. He has no eyes so I didn't paint any. Note again my lousy photography and how terribly he's centered. Not clear what I'll use him for or why he's on cobblestones but he's done and that counts for something. 

2021 finished mini counter: 228/100

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