
Elffest 2021 week 4 (week 37)

This would be week two of the green team and like last time, these are the archers. If this theme has taught me anything, it's that I'm glad I don't play an army game.

First up we have the other half of Nolzur's Female Elf Ranger. This neither a good figure nor a good paint job and yet she's here shot by herself. The sculpt is questionable and like a lot of the Nolzur's line, they're lousy molds. I have no idea what's goin on with this fig so I mostly guessed and was lazy. Best color? Yes, painted.

And digging deeper into my vintage figs we have some Oldhammer Wood Elf Archers. These are awesome heavy metal figs that I bought decades ago at a going out of business sale. If I'd had any sense (or any more cash) I would have bought more. They're painted in the same scheme as the other Elves in this batch and based with a combination of flocking and old tea leaves. I think these guys look pretty good and looking more closely, I think I know why. They seem to have a critical amount of detail. Not too much to be annoying but not too little to be boring. As this was pretty early in these kinds of figs even being a thing, I don't know if that was intentional or otherwise, though it certainly is today. 

Last up we have Aeris Female Ranger and Alistrilee from Reaper Bones. These share similar issues with all the normal Bones lines. I do like these figures despite that and I spent a bit of extra time on them, though not as much as I might have otherwise done. Poor Alistrilee's face is taking more light in this photo than is strictly needed which is a good indication that I need to adjust my lighting again.

The green team in whole were finished in about 23 hours which is pretty high for 13 figs. I'd expected this to speed up but it hasn't, really. These are rolling in at higher quality and they aren't as self-similar as, say, the Frostgrave Crewmen from A Pirate's Life, so I guess that kind of makes sense. 

2021 finished mini counter: 214/100

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