
A Pirate's Life part 1 (2021 week 18)

More mini's this week and a new and shiny theme. These dooders are Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Crewmen. I really like the official Frostgrave figures which, sadly, I don't think have ever been sufficiently documented here (these and these, if you care, painted very early in my painting journey). I will almost certainly buy more of this line at some point, but hopefully further down the line when (a lot) more of my >1900 figure collection is painted.

These guys come in a box of 20 and these are the first five. I'd hoped to burn through them ten at a time but I've been busy with other crap. They're supposed to have been a speed paint but like all of my best ideas, it didn't go quite how I planned. They're assembled mostly without terrible mold line issues (the ones that remain are pretty bad, however) and pre-shaded with Indigo Daler Rowney from below and warm white from the top as per usual, and that's where it gets weird.

I have a problem buying paints. I like buying paints. I like painting with new paints, so when I was heading out to one of the the Lego stores near me, I stopped by my friendly local game store and nearby craft store and bought some paints. I've been wanting to pick up more Daler Rowney inks for a while...so I did! These guys are primarily colored with these inks which, now, I've learned a lot about. Some of them are fairly opaque. Some of them are really, really not, which I like for certain applications. 

These guys look OK but honestly, I've forgotten how much time I spent on them. I think these five are around five hours not including assembly but that's just a guess. They're not great, but they are done and that counts for something.

2021 finished mini counter: 113/100

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