
A thing a week 2021 (week 17): cheap & easy painting

This week we have one of my favorite kinds of painting: lazy painting. That's not to say that the results aren't good, just that these don't take a terribly large investment in time. 

First up, we have three ghostly guys are hypnotic spirits from the Legend of Drizzt boardgame. I painted the two that on the left because their magnets had fallen off and needed to be re-glued. I didn't think to look for the third guy so they don't look as close as I'd like. It's basically the same as the ghosties I did way back in week 4. Notably I washed the last guy and still had the same paint-sticking issues. Not sure what's up with that. I think these guys are serviceable and probably should have colored the base rings.

These two are Hellhounds from Pathfinder Deep Cuts. Despite my dislike for these types of figs for their terrible mold lines and questionable priming. These have none of those problems being made of harder clear plastic. They clearly went through a lot of trouble making these transparent and I didn't want my paint job to completely mask that so I started with Pro Acryl yellow transparents and walked up drybrushing darker and more opaque from there. I don't think this sells very well and notably they didn't shoot very well. They look OK.

These last three are hell hounds from Reaper Bones 4. Unlike the Pathfinder Deep Cuts hell hounds, these aren't made of hard, clear plastic, but they were painted in much the same way. I wanted more contrast than I got with the other two so I took extra effort to start with a bright yellow in the cracks moving out to hull red darkened down with coal black at the end. Afterward I picked out their eyes and nostrils with a white and tinted it again with yellow to really sell the heat. I also took extra time to prepare some 32mm bases with crackle medium which were painted the same way. I think these three look a lot better and are much closer to where I wanted to get.

Overall these eight figs took maybe three hours all told and I think for that investment, they look pretty good.

2021 finished mini counter: 108/100 

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