
A thing a week 2022, week 15

This week we have our first biggie and three other ones because why not? This is quite obviously a Chimera, in this case, a Reaper Bones offering. It's a creature I use fairly regularly and I needed one for a boss encounter so this was the right time. I had grand plans going into the project, particularly around color scheme and as usual that all fell apart as soon as I started painting. If my color theory is good (and it's not) this scheme should work better than it actually did. I think my shadows aren't low enough to make it go but ultimately, for my around eight hour investment, I'm pretty happy with the result. This is my first of two biggies needed for this year's hobby goals. 

These three are dragon hatchlings that I bought years ago. They're not good molds and they were kind of a pain to prep so when I got into the painting, I decided to go fast. They were painted pretty simply mostly with washes and drybrush and they look OK on the table. Overall we're at something like two hours over a couple days between other work. The nice thing about having an over-crowded workbench is that whenever I have a color on the palette that could be used somewhere else, I have many excuses to put paint on other figures.

2022 finished mini counter: 67/100, 1/2 large

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