
A thing a week 2022, week 16

This week we have other random "things I have on my workbench" offering. First up, this snakey gal is a Female Nagendra Warrior from Reaper Bones 5 and unlike the link there, mine is in Bones plastic. Astute readers of these unhallowed pixels will doubtlessly remember Week 10 of last year where seven (!) similar figs were featured in the Lounge of Lizards theme. I painted her in the same colors and did not enough work shading her armor despite my plans on doing a heck of a lot more. I got a lot of mileage out of my homemade green wash and she was done in maybe three hours.

This guy is a Reaper Bones Wererat Berserker bought quite a long time ago. There are a lot of weasel-y characters in my game and there aren't a lot of weasel-y choices in the miniature world. This guy had both a bad mold and a questionable sculpt. I did hat I could with him but ultimately I don't think it worked out super well. He was a couple hours of work and, well, he's painted. They can't all be winners, kids. 

This is a Reaper Anubis Guard and not only is this a metal fig, it also got a lot of camera time in a campaign run a long time ago. It's not a great fig and I didn't do enough work dealing with mold lines. ...And then, there's the yellow metallics. They're mostly from an ancient pot of Reaper paint washed with a Golden Yellow Badger Minitaire Ghost Tint and it looks like crap. The turquoise metallics are Vallejo Metal Colors (Dark Aluminum IIRC) washed with Plasma Fluid. The color scheme works well, but the paint job is pretty questionable. Overall, he was done in a few hours and I think it works at arm's length. 

Last up we have a pair of 3d printed Drow Paladins by Velrock Art whose work I really like. I think these are a free object found who knows where. At the very least, I can't find a link on his MyMiniFactory listing. If I'm really honest, this isn't some of his best work. They're OK but the negative space in the fig is hard to work around and their armor is pretty basic without particularly good forms. I didn't spend enough time on their cloaks (obviously) but they were done in a bout four hours all told which works for me. 

2022 finished mini counter: 72/100

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