
Nord-a-thon week 10 (2022 week 31)

Last week we had team red of Frostgrave Barbarians and this week we have team blue and I probably would have made my life a lot easier if I'd broken them into batches of five rather than seven, seven, six. These guys were a challenge (I can saytype that since at the time of writing, I've completed them). I wanted to do a good job and that added a lot more stress than I expected and doing them in smaller groupings would have made that at least slightly easier. 

For this batch I experimented a lot with GW Contrast Paints which I do like. What I don't like about them is that they're so terribly expensive. Also, I hate GW pots which, like many, I spill frequently. That makes their cost that much worse. I'll probably buy a bunch more in the years to come because they are really good for speeding up base coats but in all honesty, I can't imagined ever running out of paint at this time. I mean, I've completed a lot of figs and I've run out of exactly three pots of paint, one of which was an airbrush paint used heavily for zenithals (so basically every miniature) and one was an ancient flesh wash that leaked all over the dang place. Tune in next week for the thrilling finale of this theme!

2022 finished mini counter: 154/100

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