
A Roman Interlude week 3 (2024 week 13)

Wrapping up our Roman interlude we have these eight dudes who are much like last week's eight dudes. These are Hail Caesar Imperial Roman Eastern Auxiliary Archers and I'm a little shaky on my color choice for their uniforms. I didn't find a bunch of reference so I kind of guessed. These are pretty much the same scheme as the last dudes and were done in probably five hours all told. I haven't yet found a good cadence swapping from long periods of character work and long periods of batch painting. I can say that I pretty clear when I've exceeded the point that I should switch and that I'm pretty unhappy if I don't have stuff prepped to swap. I'm starting to run short on reasonable batches so probably that's not good. 

2024 finished mini counter: 79/208

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