
Propapalooza, week 8 (2024 week 37)

We're right around the middle of the props in this mega theme which is otherwise absolutely pumping my finished mini counter. I'm not going to feel guilty in any way about this--they needed paint! Today we have "things at an inn & tavern" and for reasons I don't fully understand, this one didn't publish despite being set so we have done so from the future!

First up we have four beds. Spoiler: there may be mimic version of these in the future. They're drybrushed, contrast-painted, and have very minimal drybrushing for highlights. The only really interesting thing going on here is the floors they're glued to. These are played by magnet stickers stuck to coffee sticks that were painted prior to glueing. There's a lousy curl on the magnet sticker that I couldn't 100% fix. 

These four are gooseneck stills. I was somewhat surprised to find that there were only two nozzles available across the four stills. I don't remember the sprues being different. Also possible I just plain missed them. The ones with the spigots were five (!) pieces! I stuck them to bases because they were slightly bigger than the magnets that I would have otherwise glued them to. And yes, they really did (do?) make stills out of copper. 


These two are hopefully obviously casks of some sort and I'm going to say that they're Dwarven casks since they have beardy runes on one side.These were also in far too many pieces and they were glued to the same magnet stickers as the beds. Like a lot of these, they're simply painted and look IMO, pretty good--high drama, low effort.

These guys are only arguably tavern-y things but I wasn't sure where else to put them. We've got two scroll piles, two book piles, and two taxidermied lectern beasts. Those poor, sad lectern beasts. The books are probably the ones I'm least happy with since I did almost no work on them. The yellow is pretty clearly a speed paint while the others are pretty clearly not. Overall they look painted. The lecterns sucked up the most time since they have the most details. Luckly the sculptor left some indented lettering so I didn't have to freehand that in.


2024 finished mini counter: 255/208

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