
Propapalooza week 9 (2024 week 39)

This week we're back to props. Most of these were painted a couple months ago to make space for my Lego endeavors so my memory is a little foggy on the details I'd wanted to note. I can say that they're mostly if not entirely speed paints and it probably shows.

First up we have two armor racks and a weapon rack. I stuck the weapon rack on one of my bases which was like 1000x easier to work with. I also realize that the camera angle I chose doesn't show the flagstone freehand I did on the base which is the best thing about it. The two armor racks were mostly painted with the airbrush and have a metallic zenithal because why wouldn't I?  These look pretty good on the table top but not in up-close shots.

Next up we have water hazards played by two metal fountains and two stone fountains. The metal fountains I painted in copper because that seemed right and I don't use that color super often. The stone basins are the typical grey wash/drybrush jobbie that I usually use. In both cases, one has blue water and one has red water in case I ever have to tell them apart for a puzzle or different effects or whatnot. More to the point, I find that when I do paint them in different colors, I find puzzles and whatnot to use them for. Function following form?! Seems weird IMO.

Last up we have whetstones, anvils, and chopping stumps. All three of them use a different contrast paint basecoat which you might think I chose for this shot, but really, it was the luck of the draw. The whetstone pedals are awfully spindly which really hampered my ability to drybrush them. IMO the leather tying down the anvils should have been painted in a different basecoat or otherwise differentiated in any way whatsoever but speedpaint. Similarly, the metal bands around the axe stumps should have gotten a wash or something to not look quite so shiny-new but also didn't. Ultimately, they're painted and that's what counts.

2024 finished mini counter: 273/208

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