
Crafting challenge, week 10

A couple things got done this week.  I made this video about initiative and time but it's really about game design, and I built the ship layout displayed somewhere on here.  I needed a ship's blueprints so I could invade it with pirates.  As one does.  This is the v01 deck plan for the Oriens class freighter which I've posted here before.  Feel free to use this for your home games and whatnot but please do not publish it without written permission.

My wrestling with my Robotech Tactics figures continues.  I've got the dozen-ish Zentraedi mecha and five plane-mode Veritechs assembled and primed.  Hopefully I can carve off some time this week to paint them.  I'm also hoping that painting these will be easier than assembling these was.  I am not in a hurry to put together the remaining Veritechs and Destroids.

I've also started prepping another army of kobolds and goblins and I think some skeletons in hope more than expectation at this point.  I'm about 17 figs short of where I should be right now to hit 100 figs painted this year but I suspect the next two batches will get me pretty close.

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